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Shop at blackbearrusticdecor.com to find unique rustic home furnishings at reasonable prices.

On the Black Bear Rustic Decor blog you'll find articles about decorating and home improvement for your log home, rustic cabin, timber home, lodge, ranch house or ski retreat.

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Striking Wood Burned Mirrors are Standouts in Home Decor

Wood burning is an art that has been around many years.  It takes artistic skill, a steady hand and lots of patience, but the results are truly “one-of-a-kind”.  Wood burned home furnishings, such as wood burned mirrors, are collectibles that look fantastic in rustic cabins and mountain homes. 
Western Cowboy Decor Mirror

Deer Decor Wood Burned Mirror

To create a wood burned mirror, the artist starts with hand-selected wood for the particular mirror.   Fir, redwood, pine and cedar are favorite choices.  Most often they look for pieces with good integrity and with knots and interesting patterns to be included in the work.

Wood burning requires a special tool called a “woodburner” that has tip which heats up to 600 -900 degrees. Many wood burning tools have interchangeable tips that change the width of the burning stroke and depth of the stroke, which makes variations in the color.

Wood burning is sometimes done in conjunction with painting the wood, which has interesting results, as with this mirror:

The birch tree on this rustic mirror looks three dimensional
There are many techniques used to create the detail in a wood burned pieces such as this mirror. The artist drags the tip to make slow deep curves, presses deeply to make dark lines, and uses the side of the tool’s point to create shading.

Look closely at the fawn’s back to see the detail wood burning entails.

Black Bear Rustic Decor has sold handcrafted wood burned furnishings and cabin accessories for years. We love handmade rustic furnishings like these wood burned mirrors. It’s an art that marries so well with rustic decor and inspires us to further appreciate the beautiful detail of the nature it captures.

Here's a quick decorating test, just for fun. Answers follow at end.

A. "Rhythm" in interior design means:
  1. The overall feel of the room
  2. Design term used when the measurement across the room is even, and the width is an odd measurement
  3. A conscious repetition of shape or color that creates unity invites your eye to move throughout the room
B. Which is the ideal distance from your dining room tabletop to the bottom of the light fixture hanging over it, assuming you have an eight foot ceiling?

  1. Between 30 and 36 inches
  2. Depends on the shape of the fixture and ceiling height
  3. Hang it at whatever height looks right to you and that provides enough light to the eating area
C. How big should your dining room chandelier be?
  1. As wide as the dining table
  2. A foot less than the width of the dining table
  3. 2/3 to 1/2 the width of the dining table 
D. “Scale” means:

  1. Having similarly proportioned furnishings together
  2. Selecting smaller proportioned furniture for a smaller space
  3. Putting larger sized furniture and taller lamps in a big room with high ceilings
E. Which of the following is not accurate:

  1. “Contrast” refers to changes in color, motif and other differences.
  2.  When a room has “harmony” it has both variety and unity.
  3.  Balance, contrast, rhythm are key decorating principles, but proportion is not.

B=All three are correct
C=3, although this isn't a "hard rule", just make sure that your fixture isn't so wide that guests are hitting their heads as they get up from the table!

D=All three are correct



About us: Black Bear Rustic Decor is based in the Sierras in the historic mill town of Graeagle (pronounced “Gray Eagle”) about an hour north of Lake Tahoe. Our shop specializes in cabin accessories, cabin decor and unique one-of-a-kind furnishings handcrafted by local artists. The beauty and timeless appeal of Graeagle, which looks much like it did back in the 1850’s, is inspiration for our rustic furnishings. We love helping people, who love the great outdoors as much as we do, to capture its rustic beauty within their homes.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Five Popular Ways to Change Your Rustic Decor for Spring

1. The sounds of birds chirping should get your creative juices going! Decorate with a bird theme and incorporate the colors of your favorite feathered friends. Robin’s egg blue and canary yellow are just two bright ideas.

2. Scatter flower themed throw pillows throughout the house to bring the outdoors in. Pick up the colors of your favorite stems and add throws in those colors for even more interest.
3. Pick a garden item you are fond of and bring it indoors. Bird houses, for example, are colorful and whimsical and can be found on sheets, towels, pillows and as lamp bases.
4. Mother Natures’ Spring palette provides many ideas for a continuous theme throughout the house. Or, use one color per room: a yellow guestroom, grass green bathroom and crisp blue and white great room.
5. Spring is the time of birth and renewal. Reflect that in your house with prints, pillows, linens, dishware and more featuring small animals, butterflies and flowers. It will reflect the happiness and joy of the season.
Look through the Black Bear Rustic Decor web site for more beautiful and cost-effective ways to give your home a fresh look for the season!

About us: Black Bear Rustic Decor is based in the Sierras in the historic mill town of Graeagle (pronounced “Gray Eagle”) about an hour north of Lake Tahoe. Our shop specializes in cabin accessories, cabin decor and unique one-of-a-kind furnishings handcrafted by local artists. The beauty and timeless appeal of Graeagle, which looks much like it did back in the 1850’s, is inspiration for our rustic furnishings. We love helping people, who love the great outdoors as much as we do, to capture its rustic beauty within their homes.